Friday, 20 April 2012

I love to read...

I love to read... and I love to write. I've been thinking about starting a blog ever since reading the blogs of my friends, Rose and Elaine. Rose writes about food, more particularly her spectacular cooking in Order in the Chaos. Elaine writes about living and working on Palm Island in Palm Island Adventure.

I've always wanted to blog but have struggled with purpose and whether anyone would actually want to read what I wrote. Then after being asked for book recommendations over and over I realised that maybe people would want to read about books that I had read - and would maybe add recommendations of their own!

So here goes...enjoy!


  1. Good for you Gwen! Thanks for the mention :)

  2. how cool! glad I was some inspiration. flattered by the mention. E xxx

  3. Gwen, I will read your blog. :)

  4. I will read your blog too :) ...The Saucy Sampler ;)
